- No, shipments are free of charge. Any additional charges like Octroi, entry taxes are paid for by the sellers. When you enter a pin-code in the address field while ordering a product, the system will indicate whether we ship to your pin-code or not.
- We try our best to deliver your product before you can even think ‘Where is it now?’ The product should reach you well within 10 days of your order (or 10 days of the promised shipment date in the case of pre-orders). In a few cases however, we take closer to our promised 12 – 15 days for delivery. In such cases, we proactively call / email the customer to inform them of the status of their product and where it is in transit. In the rare case when you have not received any communication from us for 10 days after order (or 10 days after promised shipment date in the case of pre-orders) email us at care@bentchair.com.
You can also track your order at : Click here
- We work with sellers who have highly specialized quality control measures that ensure that the product is up to our standards when you receive the product. In case, you receive a damaged product (damage as defined by the situations in the prior question),please bring it to the notice of the delivery personnel immediately. In case you notice an issue later, please write to us at support@bentchair.com. Our team will assess the damage and revert within 1-2 days with a solution. We will either replace the piece or take any other corrective measure to solve the problem. If you would like to return the product please fill our return and refund form:
- An order can be canceled within 48 hours after its placement.
- Please note in the case of the Cod order, we will have to cancel the order after informing the customer. In case of Paid order, We will suggest you alternative. If you don't like it. We will initiate the refund asap.
- Please note in the event you’ve already received the order and you wish to cancel it, BentChair will treat such cancellations as Returns. In order to process a return please submit the form mentioned in the return policy.